A Personal Declaration of Independence

2 min readFeb 13, 2020

From time to time in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for an individual to dissolve political bands with former associates and assume Power in their own right.

When such a time presents itself, that man or woman should proceed to declare the causes which impel such separation.

There is only one Truth, and though that Truth can be understood from a vast array of perspectives, it is incumbent on each soul to manifest and exude such derivative principles as hope, honor, freedom, and love.

When shackles of worldly authorities consistently infringe on one’s ability to exercise his or her engagement with The Truth, it becomes the duty of the individual to refuse assent in light of a higher authority.

I, Sanni Iyintosoluwami Mohammed Haruna
In order to reform as a more perfect individual

Establish trust within my being
Ensure internal stability
Inhabit grounds for continual struggle
Promote health of body and of mind

And align myself with The Divine, securing blessings from above that I may best carry out the missions afforded me below.

I, therefore, as sole representor of my being, appeal to the Creator of our universe as the ultimate authority, and hereby declare that I am free and independent of any and all worldly allegiance.

I retain full rights to my body, spirit, and soul; and make it formally known that all notions toward the alternative are no longer applicable to my being.

I reject the yokes of transient powers in all forms, and so from hereon will fully pursue the course of higher destiny.

I, Toso, am now a free man, who from henceforth will pledge undivided allegiance to the One True King.




Written by Iyintosoluwami

Documenting the journey through.

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